Leading the organization toward carbon neutrality in 2025 involves the sustainable management of rubber plantations through the T-Ver project. From the beginning, one of the team members involved in this project has been Mr. Sopchok Methawuttipunya, QA & QS & LAB Manager, who will share stories and knowledge about this project.
“This project is a crucial policy of the company. We aim to lead the organization toward carbon neutrality by 2025. Carbon neutrality means achieving a "neutral" balance between the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced from our operations in scopes 1 and 2 and the "carbon" offsets gained by absorbing the emissions in an amount equivalent to what is being released. Our goal can be achieved through improvements and developments in systems and internal management. The first thing we did in the past few years was minimize waste and reduce production time using technology, clean energy sources, and effective waste management. This led to installing solar roof panels to help reduce carbon emissions within our factory.
However, more is needed; we must strive to create carbon credits to offset the difference in carbon emitted. Therefore, we are collaborating with the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) on the T-Ver project and providing opportunities for the agricultural sector to participate. Our advantage is that most of our raw materials come from rubber plantations. This allows us to be involved in the project to manage our raw material sources sustainably, enabling us to generate carbon credits for the organization and gain valuable knowledge from the experts.
In addition to generating carbon credits, what we gain from this project is helping to make the world greener. Tree planting takes a long period to grow; a rubber tree takes 25 years to mature. During each year of growth, these trees help absorb CO2, and the carbon credits can also be sold to increase economic value. If the agricultural community sees the benefits of this, there will be an expansion of farmers participating in the project. We will then have a larger group of farmers who can sustainably care for their plantations. As a result, carbon credits will increase, aiding in significant carbon reduction for our Earth.”
Creating sustainability isn't just about reducing carbon emissions but also about taking care of resources from the beginning with environmentally friendly practices. This approach ensures that the surrounding ecosystem remains healthy. Achieving the goal of carbon neutrality is a part of how we can create sustainability in our business operations and promote the sustainable development of the surrounding communities.